Rémi Saurel

The project

One of my courses in second year at INSA Toulouse was "free project". We were a team of two people and decided to create a video game. We chose an isometric projected display, à la Diablo, and the gameplay was also inspired from Diablo and similar games, in the hack'n'slash category.

The game is multi-platform (Linux, OS X and Windows), it is written is C++, uses the OpenGL Library for rendering and has been created with multilingual support in mind. The source code is available here: https://github.com/rems4e/Projet2MIC.

My task was to write the code, as my teammate (Marc Promé, prome.marc@gmail.com) was working on the game mechanics, the gathering of graphical and musical resources around free Internet sources. The project has been completed in parallel to other lesons and during the second semester, for a total of over 24k C++ lines of code and about 700 lines of GLSL shaders.


The game takes the main items of role playing games: killing monsters, which gives experience points and allows the player to gain levels and abilities. The player can loot dropped items in combats or buy some in shops, with respect to the money in his possession and his abilities. The inventory has a fixed capacity, and the player chooses which armors and weapons to equip for batte.

Each map comes with monsters, shop keepers, different items/buildings and the next map access is protected by a boss more powerful than other ennemies.

A backup system allows the player to quickly load from a saved game when it days in game or for the next playing session.

Level editor

The game comes with an integrated level editor, where we can create "adventures" (list of maps). The maps size are chosen by the user, as is their count and content. The content edition can be explicit (an entity is put in a particular position), but also implicitely by defining some probabilities of presence of some kinds of entities. The map generation is done procedurally at the level instanciation, providing in the same time a somewhat improved ingame variety on a same map.


Click to show actual size:

In-game screenshot